Codevelopment in response to societal and environmental challenges
Sindup is a partner of France Clusters in their organization of the sectors of excellence and regional and local ecosystems forum (Forum des filières d’excellence et des écosystèmes territoriaux, or FILEX). For more than 20 years, regional and local production has been creating local employment everywhere and across all business sectors. Its strength? The synergy of company clusters and the support of the public authorities.
At a time of focusing on local roots, sustainable development and the circular economy, company clusters and local competitiveness parks are supporting levers for economic stimulus and the emergence of new markets.
In this context, monitoring helps in identifying innovations and new partnerships, as well as in sharing a similar level of knowledge, thus encouraging joint development while cultivating appeal.
Use case
in the regions and local areas and their business sectors
Monitoring development projects and detecting projected establishments in a geographical area or business sector.
Putting in place sales intelligence to help companies from a region or business sector to grow by detecting business opportunities.
Analysing and sharing strategic information in order to favour synergies in the ecosystem.
Detecting economic and social movements in the regions and local areas and their business sectors, watching out for trends.
Intelligence is beneficial for the regions and local areas
There are many strategic construction projects and plans, so that all players must be committed if they are to be successfully completed. Collaboration between stakeholders is facilitated when their discussions and cooperation are based on a common vision and shared information. Collaborative marketing intelligence can stimulate the detection of innovation, the adoption of new development models, the response to a call for proposals, the obtaining of funding and many other procedures in the regions and local areas.
Feedback is critical for the wider application of best practices where regional and local intelligence is concerned. We remain at your disposal to discuss your preoccupations more specifically and put you in touch with public and private players who have managed to put marketing intelligence to good use in the transformation and development of their town or region.