Continually renew your skills to make your market intelligence project succeed !

With a training catalogue built around the key skills and strategic aspects required for market intelligence, Sindup trains both analysts and CI experts in using a mastering use of a professional market intelligence solution and decision-makers in economic intelligence. Training sessions may take place on site or remotely with a lively approach that mixes both theory and practical case studies.

Are you interested in our training programme ? Let’s talk !


Accredited training organisation

Listed on the (French) Datadock database, your training programme may be covered by training credits if you are based in France (OPCO).

Onsite or remote training programmes

Training sessions may be carried out onsite in your offices, in the Sindup offices or remotely according to your preferences.

Personalised training programmes

According to the students and the objectives, we personalise training sessions to ensure that students follow a train and do programme, putting theorical aspects into practice.

3 training programmes

Save time by concentrating on analysing the information gathered

Analysts need to automate their market intelligence programme as much as possible in order to be independent in using the different tools in their portfolio. This gain in productivity has a clear objective : clear more time to be able to analyse key information, implement a collaborative project and work hand in hand with decision makers to provide the right intelligence. Discover our range of training programmes : mastering the tools, sharing through personalized reports and newsletters, involving decision makers, making a success of a collaborative approach etc.

Get every business involved with adapted training programmes

Strategic monitoring is used help the decison-making process and enabling companies to achieve their objectives. In order for this process to work, all parties need to be engaged and motivated in the process. This is why we offer specific training prograames for the decision makers in each business area or business unit, responding to their strategic needs : economic intelligence, sales, marketing, purchases, legal, risks etc.

We adapt our training programmes to each business area : context, process, tools and KPIs.

Senior management and executive committees : how to afront uncertainty and complex situations ?

More than ever, companies and public organisations are looking to be as agile as possible in order to adapt to a changing environment which is incompatible with a rigid strategy. A collaborative approach to market and economic intelligence makes this approach more relevant, but above all, for the strategy to remain agile, top management need to be strongly involved in order to vision a holistic vision of the environment and key trends.

Let us build your training programme hand in hand

We build your training programme around your key objective and your company culture. Developing the skills of the different stakeholders can be carried out simultaneously or consecutively to the implementation of the intelligence project and according to its scale: a department, the whole company or within a multinational context. The minimum requirement for any project is to train administrators, analysts to ensure that the tool is used correctly and meeting the objectives defined at the outset (source management, collect, analysis of information, creation and sharing of key insights through newsletters, alerts or dashboards etc). Every year we recommend a yearly ‘upgrade’ training session to ensure that key knowledge and practice is up to date so that users can make the most of the different functionalities, tips and best practice.


Quick response: the key strength of Sindup customer support

Our clients all say the same thing, one of the key strengths of Sindup, aside from the technological power of the solution, is the quality of customer support provided on a daily basis to handle a range of different requests. Our experts are available by telephone, e-mail, and chat to help you on a daily basis with the goal of making you as productive and autonomous as possible in using the software. In addition to full online documentation, you can also access videos tutorials and presentations which detail each functionality.

In order to facilitate the follow-up of each request, a ticketing system allows you to follow the resolution of your requests.

Discover why our clients recommend Sindup.


Showcase your key competencies with the Sindup certification

The Sindup certification helps both students and analysts to validate and showcase their key knowledge and competencies in market intelligence. The certification awards successful candidates with a digital certificate which is hosted on a public blockchain.

For both professional analysts and students, the certification is a way of highlighting their technical ability and mastery of the key concepts, whilst identifying potential areas for improvement.

For companies and organisations looking to recruit suitable candidates, it is the guarantee of recruiting a candidate who will be operational very quickly thanks to skills which have already been proven.