Sindup makes decision making more straight-forward
The support of senior management in the market intelligence process is vital to ensure that all areas of the business are fully engaged and that the programme remains sustainable in the long run. Centralised market and competitive intelligence teams need to be informed about the clear strategic objectives of senior management in order to put a success solution into place.
No matter what the size of your company, for senior management market and competitive intelligence is a real decision-making aide and a vector for transformation within the company. It is just as important to take a step back to consider long-term topics as it is to manage day to day emergencies
Key stakes
Precise and carefully selected information snippets
Quick responses, careful follow-up on important topics
A holistic vision
Use cases
for senior management
What the trends and best pratices for management ? What are the key regulatory changes ? How can I improve my employer brand ?
Following local and national policy to order to anticipate potential risks and opportunities in the decision making process.
Fully controlling your brand and company reputation has become an essential aspect for any company director, even more so during a crisis period.
Make the most of current trends, imagine tomorrow’s market and construct a medium to long term vision to become or remain leader of your sector.
Your strategic information gateway
With information obesity and need to make quicker decisions, decision makers have the pressure to make the right choices for their company.
Decision makers have limited time and know that getting the right information at the right time is essential to their performance. Not only does this help to remain agile on a daily basis but also to be able to take a step back when faced with longer term, more strategic decisions. In order to meet these needs, Sindup created the strategic information concierge service which helps decisions makers access a range of information through a broad range of formats: key trend reports, weekly summary reports, crisis monitoring, company presentations, analysis reports etc.
Sindup Insights was designed specifically to meet the needs of decision makers or indirectly for the market intelligence service by supporting the teams with an outsourced service. The possibility to transfer core competencies means that your teams can become fully independent, and you can create your own internal information concierge service.