Discover the programme

Customer satisfaction : 90% in 2024 (30 interns)

The programme "Get your monitoring project started with Sindup" is aimed at Analysts or CI experts using the platform, which allows users to set up an efficient and sustainable project through a methodology that combines theory with a best practice in using the platform.


Practical informations



7 hours
1 000 € HT
On site/distance

Target audience

Sindup users (Analyst or CI expert, decision-maker)

Prior requirements


Learning objectives

The programme allows to analyst and CI experts to be completely independent in their daily use, whether it is in administrative management of the accounts, the setting up of market intelligence topics but also in the analysis and in the daily sharing of the results of market intelligence.


  • Configuration and administration of the market intelligence platform
  • Classification plan use of bolean operators
  • Monitoring folder classification plan and source management
  • Analysis and sharing of the market intelligence results

Teaching methods

Alternating theoretical and methodological presentations. Exercises and practical cases on the Sindup platform and use of interactive teaching aids..


Self-assessment in the beginning and in the end of the programme. Intermediates quizzes during the programme.

Compétences acquises grâce à la formation

  • Being able to manage the boolean operators and search syntax
  • Being able to optimize your filters according to your information needs
  • Being able to manage your source bundles


Henri Garnier - CI expert
Having graduated with a master's degree in economic intelligence and in strategic communication, Henri was at the beginning a user of CI platform in multiples companies, in the field of banking and telecoms. As a CI expert within the customer service department, he supports and helps users in setting up marketing intelligence systems.
Myriam Laurent - Customer service manager
Having graduated with a master's degree in technology intelligence and strategic information, Myriam has worked in the fields of marketing intelligence and information research for the past 15 years. Working for Sindup since 2014, she trains clients on the setting up of an intelligence platform unit, and best practice in terms of intelligence and information research..

Access time

The timeframe is determined by a mutual agreement between Sindup and the client. The access to the service is submitted to the acceptance periode of the funders and the time required to process the request : from 7 days to 2 months, depending on the funding method..

Terms of access

Have you got any specific needs in terms of access and learning methods ?

Please contact us so that we can investigate the possibilities of adaptation.


Last update on 04/01/2022

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