Appreciated and used by a large number of companies and public organisations, the Sindup competitive intelligence platform unveils a brand new website designed to present a range of solutions in detail. The main purpose of this website is to provide resources to help companies and organisations structure or optimise their competitive intelligence process by sharing best practice and case studies.
Since the beginning of the Covid health crisis, decision makers have been more than ever distanced from the reality of the field and in need of qualified information in order to make informed decisions.
The challenge has been not only making the right short term decisions within the context of the health crisis, but also defining a long term strategy taking into consideration the high level of uncertainty (economic, health, social) and environmental challenges. All of these reasons have driven decision makers to use strategic information services. For some, this has also been the opportunity to bring onboard a competitive intelligence tool in order to share information more efficiently. SInce March 2020 the SIndup teams have never had so many enquiries. Furthermore, in the first few days of the Covid crisis a daily Covid newsletter was put into place, free for all, not just for Sindup clients.
2 new services, 4 recruitments and 12 new clients
Although the end of the crisis has not yet arrived, Sindup is proud to have overcome the difficult period and helped support clients through very challenging times. Well-prepared in advance, the Angers-based teams adapted immediately, confidently and independently to remote working. Today the team has grown further with the recruitment of 4 new team membres: development, customer service, sales and CSR. With a new website which has had a total makeover and four new services, Sindup is now: a full competitive intelligence platform, premium sources, training center and strategic project consulting services and finally a studies and analysis department at the end of 2020.
The Sindup User Club recently welcomed new members such as Les Mousquetaires, CHU d’Angers, NEHS Group (Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers), Audioptic – Optic 2000, Inter Mutuelle Assistance (IMA), Quadient, Métropole de Lyon, Nantes Saint Nazaire Développement, Service de l’information stratégique et de la sécurité économique (Sisse), etc. all looking for qualified strategic information to help promote collective intelligence and help their respective company or organisation evolve towards a new type of model. These clients have joined the 300 comapnies and public organisations who already used the platform including: MAIF, Generali, EDF, Teréga, DS Smith, Colissimo, RATP, Société du Grand Paris, Grand Poitiers, Colas, Bouygues Construction, Cap Digital, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Laboratoires Brothier, Groupe BEL, Sodexo, etc.
A leading European actor in competitive intelligence
With 125 000 users in 110 countries, more than 700 projects implemented, 60 partner schools and universities to train the CI professionals and decision makers of tomorrow, more than 2 000 students are trained every year with a total of 6 000 participants at different events, Sindup takes the place as a leading European actor in competitive intelligence, economic intelligence and strategic foresight.